The 1st Newton Aycliffe Scout group has benefitted from a £500 donation from its local Tesco Extra. Cath English, group scout leader, and some of the scout members were the guests of honour when the Tesco Extra store held a cheque presentation this Friday 9th November,

As part of the celebrations, store manager, Martin Butcher and his team presented Cath with a cheque for £500. The store chose to donate to the 1st Newton Aycliffe Scouts as part of its commitment to supporting the local community.

The scout group is part of the Bishop Auckland District and provides adventure for young people in the Newton Aycliffe area. The group is made up of a ‘Beaver Colony’ ages six to eight, a ‘Cub Pack’ ages eight to ten½, and a ‘Scout Troop’ ages ten½ to fourteen.

Martin said: “We were delighted to be able to support the scouts as it does such fantastic work for youngsters living in the Newton Aycliffe community. We are so pleased that Cath and the scouts accepted this donation and joined us for the presentation at the store.”

Cath said: “I would like to thank Tesco for this generous donation. The money will help towards the daily maintenance of the group and paying for trips with the scouts.”