19th of November – STARLIGHT KARAOKE will be in our bar from 6:30pm – free admission so come along and join in the fun. The 3rd of December is the CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR MEMBERS ONLY. It starts at 1pm with Santa coming at about 3pm, this will depend on the weather and Rudolph – we hope his sat nav. is working! All members wishing to bring their children need tickets so we know how many need catering for. Tickets are free and are available at the bar. The 10th of December CHRISTMAS CABARET NIGHT AND DISCO -A fabulous night of entertainment and laughter with a performance from Stephanie Aird & cabaret from the hilarious Drag Performers Nikki Teene & Nikki Rett with games and disco throughout the night from 7pm! Raffle with prizes, £1 per ticket on the night! £5 Early Bird Tickets £7 On The Door Tickets available from Nikki Teene, Nikki Rett, & The Scouts Hut or online via Eventbrite. 18+ only event, not for the faint hearted! We would like to see you at these events and also in our social club which is family friendly. New members are always welcome.
Scouts Centre News