Dear Sir, The school year has begun and this is a plea to all parents who drive their children to school – but in particular those who use West Park car park for pupils of Stephenson Way School. On Tuesday 5th September, the first school run of the year has just taken place, and Oh My Goodness – already the road through Ashfield into the above car park is once again a race track. People speeding because they are perhaps a bit late arriving at school (or rushing to grab a space in the parking area), or after dropping off their child may be rushing to work. But PLEASE SLOW DOWN! Ashfield isn’t a motorway – families live here, people here have little ones – just like you, and have cars parked in the street (which can cause a view obstruction), plus residents who have every right to (try and) get their cars out of their garages. God forbid that any of our children inadvertently stepped into the road! Just think for a moment of the consequences. Would you like that on your conscience? Are you a responsible parent/ driver who can monitor themselves to drive at 15 mph or less through here? Or are School Run Speeding you one of the many morons in town who only think of themselves? PLEASE SLOW DOWN. A concerned resident (Name and address supplied)
School Run Speeding