Stephenson Way entered the Sports Relief spirit last Friday with every child taking part in sporting activities throughout the school day.
Children were invited to attend school in sportswear in exchange for a small donation, to ensure they were ready for action at all times, maximising the amount of time they spent involved in playing sport.
During the morning session, it was the infant and Year 3 classes who took to the field to first enjoy either football or rounders game before beginning a carousel of sporting activities, including a penalty shootout, basketball shooting and throwing games amongst others. The event ran smoothly thanks to the student organisers and the younger children enjoyed near-constant physical activity throughout the morning.
Sport Relief was the first school event which the new School Sports Organising Committee (SSOC) helped to organise and run. The committee is a new initiative aimed to involve children in planning and organising sports events for the school. The SSOC forms part of wider new provisions put in place in school to promote and improve the levels of physical activity and general healthy living amongst the students.
The afternoon allowed the upper school to undertake a team sports carousel, comprised of: football, handball, bench ball and rounders. Once again, these events were overseen by members of the SSOC.
Throughout the day, all of the events maintained a fun atmosphere, with the focus not being on competition but simply taking part in sport and enjoying it. The children really embraced the event and the school’s growing ethos of sportsmanship and teamwork really shone through.