The children from Woodham Burn Out of School Club visited Tesco to take part in a ‘Farm to Fork Trail’ to find out where our food really comes.
The session was organised by Richard a member of the Tesco staff team who greet us on arrival at the store.
The children had the opportunity to be hands on during this educational visit and were eager to start. The children began by making fresh bread and learning about the ingredients they were using.
Once we had made the bread dough the children created their own bread rolls, we then places the rolls onto large trays and wheeled the trolley though Tesco to the bakery. Whilst we were in the bakery Richard told us all about the equipment they used and the processes they follow.
Next we headed to the fish counter to find out about the different types of fish sold and to look at them more closely. The children were shown behind the scenes of the Tesco store looking in the giant freezer, storage areas and staff areas.
A very BIG thank you to our Local Tesco Store and especially Richard for a fantastic visit, the children thoroughly enjoyed the session. The children loved the bread rolls which they ate for tea and we also had enough left to take home.
To find out more information about Woodham Burn Out of School Club please do not hesitate to contact Kendra on 01325 300080 or visit