Dates for your diary
Coffee, Cake & Stuff – Saturday, 28th October, 11am to 2.00pm
Our popular monthly, coffee, cake and stuff event will be held in conjunction with our annual Macmillan coffee morning fundraiser. Refreshments will be available from 11.00am to 2.00pm.
Children’s Halloween Party – Sunday, 29th October, 3pm to 4.30pm
Tickets are £4 each (advance ticket sales only) which includes Halloween themed food and unlimited squash. Are you ready for fun, games and dancing? Fancy dress is optional.
Please contact Jodie for tickets on 07432 725000, all children must be accompanied by an adult or parent/carer.
Wine Tasting Evening – Friday, 17th November, start time 7.30pm
The tasting will include a selection of red, white, rose and sparking wines and will be accompanied by complementary nibbles. Tickets are £15 per person and available from Zanna Bewick on 07929 916725 (please note that ticket sales will end on Sunday 12th November). Wine orders can be placed on the night with Pampas Wines.
Please don’t forget our popular Christmas Quiz – date to be confirmed. Further details will be posted on our Facebook page and in the Newton News.
If you are able to assist at any of our events, duties may include setting the hall up, serving food/drinks and general housekeeping for our hall and would like to become a Friend of our hall, please contact Georgette on 07951 758118 so that a list of helpers can be drawn up. Thank you for supporting our events and we look forward to see you at our hall.
School Aycliffe Community Association