In what turned out to be a very challenging weekend, Scarlet Whitaker Dunn remained positive despite suffering some poor fortune at round 7 of the Teesside Karting Sprint Series.
Scarlet was competing in the highly competitive Honda Cadet 200cc class in a 35 kart grid!
After showing good pace in qualifying, Scarlet’s first race started badly after another competitor spun out directly in front of her in lap 1 leaving her with no option but to make contact with their stricken kart causing Scarlet and her kart to fly through the air and land heavily back on the tarmac.
Despite this, Scarlet fought her way back through the field to her starting position and even to gain a further place before the clock ran out and the race to be over.
Scarlet’s remaining heats and final were marred by a lack of performance from her kart engine which will be rectified before the final round of the 2023 season which will be held on October 21st-22nd.
“Scarlet’s race craft and determination throughout the weekend was second to non despite any set backs,” said Mam.
With the link up with Veterans Motorsport UK we are now in a position for Scarlet to compete for a full season in 2024.
“I have learnt much again this weekend as well as having a great time,” Scarlet said. “I really look forward to my next race and competing in a full season next year.”
We would like to thank Amaron Racing, PHM (Peninsula Historic Motorsport), Veterans Motorsport UK, Grandad Ron and Rob Storey for their generous assistance and financial support making this possible.
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