As you can see most of the Care and Nursing homes on our town have been very busy along with the residents.
Please vote for YOUR favourite by phoning Pam Lovelass on 01325 316841 OR 07779 942347. You can leave a message (slowly) telling me which home you have voted for.
Please do vote as it makes the residents so happy knowing someone does care for them. All votes will be added up and the results will be published in next week’s edition of the Newton News.
A very big THANK YOU to Paul and the staff at Newton News for helping with this. Also THANK YOU to all the homes who kindly made a donation of food to the local FoodBank at this Harvest Time.
God bless you all.
Pam Lovelass.
St. Clare’s scarecrow named “Scary Mary the Fairy”
Russel Russel Crow from Aycliffe Care Home
Lindisfarne Care Home
Defoe Court Care Home
“Rose” our little Rose Lodge scarecrow