Dear Editor:
As a former soldier and having a grandfather who served in the Durham Light Infantry, I am disgusted at the response of Labour councillors of County Durham (in particular Aycliffe). They have total contempt for the voters who elected them, (not being one of them myself, I’m glad to say) in their attitude to the closing of the Durham Light Infantry Museum in Durham.
They have shown that they are not interested in what their constituents have to say on the matter. I believe 81 Labour councillors in County Durham voted not to having a debate on the matter, even though they were lobbied by members to do so, instead they chose to ‘fillibuster’ during the meeting and talk about sprout farmers in Norfolk!
Is it the case then, that these Labour councillors are afraid of saying anything against the ‘mighty’ 10 in charge of DCC for fear of them being deselected and losing their places at the ‘trough’, or do they really just not care about the men from this county (some of whom have ashes spread on the site of the museum) who gave everything for their freedom, it would be interesting to know.
In my opinion, and the opinion of many people in County Durham (who were once labour voters and now state they will not vote for labour again after this betrayal), they should all hang their heads in shame. This has got nothing to do with glorifying war (war is not glorious, it is a dirty business and not something for this letter).
This museum is about remembering the sacrifices men from this County made in two world wars and conflicts since. DCC should be honoured to have this museum in Durham City instead of thinking of the profit to be made by selling off the land for development (although they will tell you this is not the case . . . watch this space).
I would urge all residents of Newton Aycliffe who are as disgusted at this as I am, to lobby their Labour councillors for answers, as none have been given so far from any labour councillors that have been asked. If that does not work, there is always voting them out at the next election!
I would welcome any comments on this from the Labour councillors of Newton Aycliffe who all voted no to a debate and their reasons for doing so. Especially the one who is 100% for the closure (you know who you are!).
Paul Redhead
(The Dirty Little Imps)
Save The DLI Museum