Dear Sir,
I agree with much of what John Clare has had to say about Climate Change, and in particular that it is the greatest threat humanity faces, potentially far worse than the Covid-19 pandemic.
I admit that preventing Climate Change (if it is not already too late) will be costly, and disrupt the comfortable lifestyles that many of us (but by no means all) currently enjoy. However, if we fail to act effectively, then sea-levels will rise, and much existing agricultural land will also be rendered unproductive. This will lead to mass migrations of people across borders, desperately seeking new places to live and/or grow the food they need, which will inevitably be resisted by the current occupants, leading to wars, which could well eventually spread all over the Earth as the problem grows worse. This may be “Doom and Gloom”, but the overwhelming majority of scientists agree that this is the harsh reality that we all face in future. Denying that there is a problem, or burying our heads in the sand, and hoping that it will go away if we simply refuse to think about it; is surely the height of folly.
The Tories frequently talk about our having a “sacred trust” not to hand on a mountain of Government debt to our children, and I agree with this in principle (although not with the way they have tried to tackle it). However, I would suggest that leaving our children a planet on which they can live safely in future is far more important, and I certainly don’t trust the Tories to do that.
Alan Jordan, Middridge