Newton Aycliffe Rugby Club have concluded their 2014/2015 season and finished 3rd in the Durham and Northumberland div 3. A tremendously successful season by all involved. The club will round off with their annual awards presentation night at Moore Lane on Saturday 23rd May.
The club wish to announce that it intends to make a tremendous effort to win the league next season. The club has an ambitious plan to reform the long missed 2nd XV. The idea being to attract new players in numbers to form this second squad that will guarantee game time to all players. It will also generate competition for 1st team places to help them push to win the league. Any potential new player interested from the age of 17 plus will be made welcome and can introduce themselves at preseason training for next season in June. College students to old boys will create the core of the new team to play home and away matches in Durham, Northumberland and North Yorkshire.
Contact Head coach Pete Ryans
07796 172599 for player registration.
The club is always looking for new sponsors to financially support the club as there is always need to fund playing and training strips, equipment, balls and transport. Aycliffe Rugby have been well supported this season with thanks to Honest John, S Cars, Smurfitt Kappa and Whitehouse Funeral Service. It is hoped their sponsorship will continue next season. Any new sponsors can contact the club PRO Stuart Mclean on 07812 372675 for details.
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