Dictionary 4 Life is an initiative supported by Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland and a project first undertaken by Rotary Newton Aycliffe several years ago. The Usborne Illustrated Dictionary 4 Life has 1,000 illustrations, 10,000 entries and 20,000 definitions, printed in full colour on paper from sustainable forests and every year our club places an order for over 400 of the dictionaries. On delivery, the books are distributed to every pupil in year 6 of 11 primary schools, this year at a cost of more than £1,400. Included are all those schools in Newton Aycliffe and also Heighington and Aycliffe Village.
This mammoth task was, for a few years, co-ordinated by Rotarian Pat Henderson-Pickersgill and has now, for 7 years or more, been carried out by Rotarian Mary Waine and Friend of Rotary, Clive Bennett. The books need to be unpacked, each one labelled, then repacked and loaded onto a truck, kindly loaned by Clive, for delivery to the schools. The photographs show Mary and Clive getting to grips with the enormous amount of work (410 this year) and many thanks to them both from President Gary Blenkinsopp and the club.
It may surprise readers to know that there are children who live without a single book in their home and do not have access to the internet. Therefore, we at Rotary are proud to be involved with Dictionary 4 Life and think this is a very worthwhile project. Our grateful thanks go to those of you in the community that always support our fundraising with a donation which enables us to continue with such work.
Rotary Newton Aycliffe Distribute Dictionaries 4 Life