The annual Rotary Club Model Railway Exhibition held last Saturday was a good event with a 10% increase on numbers through the door.
The organisers received many complimentary comments from visitors on the standard of layouts and the location of the event held at the Youth & Community Centre which was ideal for the purpose. In addition to numerous stalls and exhibitions there was a raffle, tombola and refreshments available, served from a busy kitchen who did a roaring trade on Bacon Buns.
Exhibitors travelled to Aycliffe from all over the north, but the local Model Railway Club from Shildon won the prize for the best model layout.
“We anticipate being able to hand over £1600 to the Heel and Toe Cerebral Palsy Charity thanks to matched funding from Barclays Bank whose staff supported the fundraising”. said Rotarian John Burrows.
Rotary Club Railway Event Raised £1600 for Charity