Once again Rotarians in Newton Aycliffe are being invited by Rtn Pat Pickersgill to participate in a Reverse Advent Calendar/Box initiative to support families in need.
December is the month when children/adults open a door on their Advent Calendar and take a gift. The suggestion from Pat is that each day in November, Rotarians put an item of food/ toiletries/gifts/ toys into a Reverse Advent Box, reverse because we are ‘putting in’ not ‘taking out’. This suggestion was accepted by all Rotarians, their families, and friends. Last year we had great support from Newtonians who had read of the initiative in The Newton News.
On collection day in early December 2021, we collected well over 80 boxes of goods. The estimated value was £3000. The food was distributed to Newton Aycliffe, Shildon and Ferryhill food banks. It was gratefully received and giving the goods in December meant the food banks were better stocked for the Christmas holidays when there is a greater demand. The project was such a success that Rotarians, their families, friends and members of our community will repeat it this year at their own expense.
The collection boxes are kindly supplied by Newton Press and the printing of leaflets and stickers for the boxes by Rtn Brian Winwood. Rtn Pat invites members of our town and companies on the Business Park to consider following this initiative too. It is a great exercise in teaching children that it is better to give than to receive.
If you would like to help, please contact Rotary Newton Aycliffe via our Facebook page or ring Rtn. Pat on 07971 082589. We will be collecting the boxes on Saturday 3rd December by kind permission of the Phoenix Club in the car park at the rear of their building, Macmillan Road DL5 7AP between 11am and 1pm. Alone we can do little, together we can do a lot.
Rotary Boxing Clever for Christmas