Dear Sir,
On the pot hole damage to cars on School Aycliffe Lane, would it be pertinent to ask if repair bills were paid to the vehicle owners? I had a spring on my van broken some years ago on this road opposite the Town Council offices, and it cost me £180 to have it replaced. I did ask for compensation but was refused, quoting the Section 58 rule.
This is always happening on this road and you have to be aware that there are lots of 44 tonne trucks using it to deliver and remove goods from Ineos.
The surface needs to be completely taken up with substantial underpinning done to take the weight of these huge trucks and being a retired (trucker) I know what I am talking about. The top of School Aycliffe road near residential area entrances needs the white lines repainting as drivers are encroaching onto oncoming traffic. It is a narrow road to start with so this is essential.
G Thompson.
Road Surface Wrong for Heavy Traffic