Dear Sir,
From time to time the wonderful charity known as Beanstalk requests voluntary helpers to work with their reading programme in some of our local schools. I volunteered two years ago and it was/is a fantastic experience which I love. Working with the children who have reading problems is very rewarding: this year I have been able to bring the pupils up to their required reading standard so I am so pleased for them.
During term time I have been working with each of three children for half an hour each session twice per week. The children all come from different backgrounds and have different reading abilities so I have been able to encourage them to want to read and to learn the benefit of reading for the future. Enjoying leisure time by reading is an asset and more interesting than ‘play stations’ etc?
It is sad that not all children nowadays have the help of their parents with reading and ‘bedtime’ stories seem to be a thing of the past … If you volunteer you need to have good general knowledge as you never know what question is corning next??
The Beanstalk office girls are a super team to work with and are very keen to recruit new volunteer readers
(Mrs) J. K. BLAIK
Contact Beanstalk on
0845 450 0344
Rewarding Pastime