Residents group ACORN announce their success in obtaining a £500 grant from Durham County Council under “Its your neighbourhood” fund.
Funding was sought to provide flower tubs to enhance the community green adjacent to Christopher Walk, used by children as a safe place to play and a common area for events.
Recently the green was damaged by a car driving across it in wet weather and concern was expressed by local residents about vehicles driving on a green where children play.
Social housing provider livin have also allocated funds to help by paying for compost and flowers for the initiative. Volunteers have been busy cleaning and painting the tubs to present a lovely display. ACORN Residents’ Chairman Ken Robson said the tubs would belong and be adopted by the community. Several residents have expressed an interest in attaching plaques in remembrance of loved ones who had lived in the area.
So popular have the flower tubs become that ACORN have ordered more. “We still have a few areas in Newton Aycliffe where heavy vehicles park on our grassy verges leaving unsightly damage. Wouldn’t it be great to place some of these planters on the verges so we could see flowers rather than tyre tracks?” said Ken.
As a condition of being awarded the grant ACORN are required to enter the Northumberland in Bloom competition, so wish us luck folks.
Residents Win Grant for Garden Tubs on Green