The Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan first round of consultation has come to a close with a total of 1268 Aycliffe residents providing their opinions on what the plan should address.
The respondents of the questionnaires were predominately aged 45 – 70 whilst respondents from earlier consultation, which was held over the summer during events like Fun in the Park, were predominantly aged 44 and under. Our youngest resident to take part in consultation was aged 4 who said the worst thing about living in Aycliffe was carrots.
The 3 priorities for the plan are Retail, Environment and Housing with 715, 706 and 682 responses respectively. However, a number of other key issues will be investigated as they could impact on these areas.
The next stage for the Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan is to set up thematic groups to address the issues. There is a call for residents who have an interest in the future of Aycliffe to get involved in these groups.
Angela said “This is a community-led plan so it would be great if residents could really get involved in the work we are doing and watch the plan unfold over the next year or so. We are not asking for a big commitment just a few hours a month to attend meetings and help support the work we are doing.”
“We are holding an event in Newton Aycliffe Youth and Community centre on 21st February 2015 10am-12noon and everyone is welcome to come along to find out what we are doing, to meet the team and also register an interest in getting involved”
Residents Urged to Help Plan the Future of our Town