Residents of County Durham are being reminded that a wide range of council tax discounts are available for those in special circumstances.

Homes which include someone with severe physical disabilities could be eligible for reductions and carers can also be excluded when calculating council tax depending on the circumstances.

Care Leavers under 25 who pay council tax or who live with someone who pays council tax are able to reduce the amount they pay by applying for a discretionary reduction.

People living with dementia and those who care for people with a severe mental impairment, such as Alzheimer’s, may also be eligible for a discount or exemption.

Students are also exempt from paying council tax, while those aged over 18 who are the sole resident in a property are entitled to a 25% single occupier discount.

Universal Credit claimants are reminded that they need to make a separate claim to Durham County Council if they are having difficulty paying council tax, as this isn’t included in the housing costs element of the new Universal Credit system.

Cllr Jane Brown, Durham County Council’s Cabinet member for social inclusion, said: “These discounts and exemptions are designed to take the pressure off those who may be in difficult circumstances, and we’re very keen for those eligible to get in touch.

“Council tax discounts and exemptions are an entitlement and we want to ensure that everyone who is eligible receives this support.

“To find out more about the range of council tax discounts and exemptions available, call 03000 260 000 or visit

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