Thursday 2nd October saw two years of work by a lot of people come to fruition with the opening of Horndale Multi Use Games Area (M.U.G.A) in Newton Aycliffe.
The Residents’ Association was set up in October 2012 with their sole purpose being to build a M.U.G.A to give the young people a facility which they were asking for, at a cost of £40,000.
The new facility was opened by the Mayor of Great Aycliffe, Wendy Hillary. Councillor Brian Hall, Chairman of Great Aycliffe Town Council’s Recreation Committee was also present.
Durham Wildcats and Newton Aycliffe Football Team attended the opening and worked with local school pupils training and giving them tips. The students all enjoyed the afternoon and learnt a lot from the coaches.
Thanks go to Great Aycliffe Town Council and its staff without whose dedication and belief from the beginning and future commitment to the upkeep of the facility, the project would probably never have been completed.
The Council donated the land and did some ground works to make the area big enough to fit the M.U.G.A.
Thanks also to Livin, Newton Aycliffe Evangelical Church, Tyne Tees Crushing and Screening, Durham Constabulary, Neville Parade Community Centre, Aycliffe Youth Council, Newton Aycliffe Rotary Club, Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership, Roc Solid, J&C Coaches, Newton Aycliffe Youth & Community Centre, Christ’s Hospital Sherburn, John’s Aycliffe Community Kitty, Dorothy Bowman, Joan Gray, John Clare, Mike Dixon past and present County Councillor’s, PC Mike Welch and Nicola Duffy. Livin also helped complete funding bids and gave the Association guidance and support.
The facility is already proving to be a great success and an asset for our young people with reports of up to 20 youngsters using it at times.
On behalf of the young people thanks again to everyone involved in bringing the project to a successful conclusion.
Philip Clark
Chair: Horndale
Residents Association
Residents’ Association’s MUGA Dream Comes True