Following confirmation that more prisoners will be subject to early release to ease prison overcrowding, PCC Joy Allen is calling for better resettlement packages to deter reoffending.
The PCC is clear that without appropriate levels of support, both the prisoner and the justice system are being set up to fail.
“Far too many prisoners are being released on licence without any practical support,” she explained. “I met a woman recently who explained that she was released from prison without anywhere to live. This meant that she breached her licence conditions and was returned to prison very quickly.
“This then adds to the overcrowding conundrum, and we are in a worse position than before. It’s like bed blocking in the secure estate. We have to get the basics right. If prisoners are to be released early, then everything possible should be done to keep them out of prison, not returning within a few days. That makes a mockery of the whole early release system.
“I know that this will heap pressure on other agencies, but we have to be practical. We cannot condone prisoners being released early, without a home or means by which to live. That simply leads to further problems. I know we are told that there will be 1000 more probation officers by March 2025, which is good news for the future, but something needs doing now! The whole process needs fixing, not just capacity inside the prisons.
“I will be writing to the Minister for Justice and the Home Secretary to explain my concerns, and asking for assurance that the lack of resettlement support will not simply lead to further overcrowding.”
Resettlement Packages