Last Wednesday was the Environment and Recreation Committee meetings of the Town Council.
The Environment meeting covered Allotments, Environment and Parking problems in Aycliffe Village. A detailed report was produced by the Town Clerk, and the Police also attended and gave a report. The issue of parking is becoming a problem in this area when a large number of visitors to residences or the pub/restaurant. With damage to village greens, parking on and obstructing footpaths, after much discussion it was agreed that a further report is brought to Council following discussions with Durham County Council’s Highways Dept and other interested parties, including the County Pub and residents neighbouring the greens.
Tree Inspection Report The new Chairman of the Environment Committee had requested this detailed report be copied to all Councillors and made available on the Council’s website for the public. The public are usually alarmed when they suddenly see mature trees cut down and it was agreed that except in cases of public health and safety, which required immediate action, there should be notices posted in Newton News at least 7 days before any trees were felled or worked on, so the public could see the reason for the work being done.
The Committee dealt with grants of grave spaces, information from CDALC & Durham County Council and planning applications.
Great Aycliffe Neigh-bourhood Plan – A grant of £7,521 from government had been awarded for a soft market retail test, Survey work, Printing & delivery costs, plus planning expertise and potentially a Retail Needs Assessment, with technical support.
Sanderson Weatherall will commence the soft market testing, expected to take about six weeks, to examine whether retailers and leisure providers would set up anywhere on the Town, including out of town retail sites. It would also identify suitable sites for retail development, viability and availability. The GANP Environment Group commenced its work, looking at protecting special green areas, ensuring future development including open space. It dealt with parking issues and protecting Aycliffe Village from urban sprawl.The Housing Thematic Group also began its work addressing housing types, for an aging population, and other needs, sustainable and good design, use of renewable energy, adequate parking and open spaces.
Recreation Committee Meeting covered the Festival Working Group, Golf Working Group, Oakleaf Golf Complex Report, Oakleaf Complex usage, Catering and staffing, Football Pitch Allocation, replacement of play equipment.
There was a report on West Park, obtaining Hydrology and Ecology reports on the Lakes. an update on a possible “What’s on” guide for children and young people.
A lot of this is ongoing general work of the Council. For more detailed information contact your local councillor or the Council Officers on 300700. If you have a computer why not access the Council’s website just search “Great Aycliffe Town Council”, select Council & Democracy, select meetings and access Agendas, Reports etc.
Members of the public are most welcome to attend Committee meetings and there is a part of the meeting where you can make representations, ask questions on any item of business including those on the agenda for that meeting.
There are some legal restrictions and questions will not be received by the Council which further a person’s individual circumstances or where there is a right of appeal to courts a tribunal or government. A question cannot be considered if it has been the subject of a Council decision in the last six months.
Report on Council Meeting Wednesday 27th May