Residents’ Association Open Letter to Council
Dear Sir,
The Management Committee of the Great Aycliffe Residents’ Association has requested that I write to you regarding the public consultation on the proposed removal of street lights along the A167 by Newton Aycliffe.
We are appalled that Durham County Council can even consider taking this detrimental step on a major A road in the southern part of Durham County. Insofar as Newton Aycliffe is concerned the stretch of the A167 is not rural or countryside but a major trunk road through an urban and built up area. This is usually busy with traffic not least people and bus services taking people to and from work in major catchment areas. That is why it is an A road and a major transport route in the South of Durham County, servicing one, if not the largest Industrial Estates in County Durham.
At the time Durham County Council is asking businesses to support its County Durham Plan for jobs and growth, it makes no sense for it to remove the street-lights from the approaches to this major economic growth-point identified in the Plan – Aycliffe Business Park.
We understand that a risk assessment has declared the lights can safely be removed.We strongly challenge this for many sections of the A167 near Aycliffe. The road has a path alongside it from Aycliffe Village to Framwellgate Moor, with a significant pedestrian footfall, particularly along the Newton Aycliffe section. There are also many access routes, farm tracks and lay-bys along the section from Aycliffe Village to Rushyford.
Apparently the County Council’s policy foresees the removal of street-lights in rural areas between settlements. The stretch of road from Aycliffe to Croxdale does not fit anybody’s perception of ‘rural’, and is mainly ‘industrial’ or ‘urban’.
The road runs beside or through Newton Aycliffe, Chilton, Ferryhill and Durham Gate, and does not meet anybody’s idea of ‘between settlements.
We are concerned with road, pedestrian and cyclists safety in the dark months of winter and in foggy and poor visibility conditions .
We could possibly understand though not agree with the County Council replacing the Orange Sodium Lights with the Lower Energy Costing LEDS as this would still provide a degree of illumination that would facilitate a degree of safety whilst saving on energy costs. To remove the lighting altogether is in effect deliberately introducing a degree of risk to pedestrians including an increased risk of attack of a physical or sexual nature, particulary against women, and cyclists that such darkness would entail.
We must insist that Durham County Council rethink its policy on this issue and to reappraise this matter with a view to maintaining all lighting, certainly insofar as Great Aycliffe and its Business Park is concerned.
To do so would be noble in motive and far reaching in purpose. Not to do so would be highly irresponsible and we would hold the Council morally to account as I think would all residents and businesses.
Yours sincerely,
Arun M Chandran, Secretary