This week we are remembering the beginning of World War One at St Clare’s Church with a display in the church hall which will be open on Monday 4th August.
It includes pictures, posters, memorabilia, poetry of the 1st World War poets, music and song of the time, and the last surviving soldiers telling of their memories. The display is designed to give visitors a time for quiet remembrance and reflection. A chance also to learn, from the last survivors and their families, something of what they went through for us. Everyone is most welcome. Entrance is free and tea and coffee are available. There is a collection plate and all donations will go to “Help the Heroes”.
On SATURDAY 2nd AUGUST we will also be showing the film “WAR HORSE” a very powerful, moving and poignant story of friendship in war. Tea and coffee will be served at 1pm (included in the £2).
The film starts at 1-15pm with all proceeds donated to “Help the Heroes”
For further details please ring Ric Hargreaves 01325 316755
Remembrance And War Horse