The South West Durham REME Association said ‘farewell’ to Major Chris Prince OC of 124 Recovery Coy REME at Newton Aycliffe on 25 March after being in the ‘chair’ for 5 years. The Association has a close relationship with 124 Recovery Company as the majority had some very happy years there, even though it was ‘quite a while ago’ according to John Short, secretary of the association.
Presenting Chris with an Association plaque was the President Capt. Philip Rolfe, who has known Chris since they were both vehicle mechanics in the 80’s.
Chris has always lead by example and has been respected by his peers and soldiers throughout his TA career. He had an active time in the TA, serving at a number of locations in the UK as well as Belgium, Holland, Canada, Germany and an Iraq tour with 6 Bn REME on Telic. He has now taken up an appointment with 15 Bde BRT in York.
If you would like to join the TA why not come along on a Tuesday evening to Northfield way (DL56UR), or if you enjoyed you Regular of TA career in the REME and live in the Newton Aycliffe/Durham area contact Mr. Keith Sams at the Scout Centre (DL57PW) on the last Wednesday of the month.
REME Farewell for Major Prince