Thousands of households across County Durham will soon receive letters asking them to check information held on the electoral register.
The letters will be sent to residents who have not yet responded to Durham County Council’s earlier request for people to confirm their details.
It is important to respond to the request for information, even if there has been no change to the details held on the register.
Voters must be listed on the electoral register is they wish to vote in local and national elections including parish, county council and general elections as well as the Police and Crime Commissioner elections due to take place in May 2016.
In addition, being registered to vote can also improve your credit rating.
Confirming your details is quick and simple.
If all of the information on the form is correct you can:
Return it in the envelope provided. Postage is free.
Phone 0800 197 9871 or text 80212 and quote the security code printed on the form.
If any of the information is incorrect, you should amend the form and return it to Electoral Services at Durham County Council. For more information, call 03000 261 212 or email