This summer, 150-year-old charity, Girls Friendly Society, hosted a Regional Fun Day for its groups across the North East, including local chapter GFS Eldon. These events are important because they give girls a chance to make new friends and try new things in a safe environment.
“Meeting together like this helps the girls to realise they are part of something bigger than their own group. Friendships between groups can build up over time.” – Pam Hutchison, GFS Eldon Group Leader.
Part of what makes GFS unique is the fact that events and activities, both big and small, are tailored to suit what girls tell them.
In fact, this year’s North East Regional Fun Day was filled with activities designed with girls in mind! The day started with lots of ice-breaker games to help the girls get to know things about each other. Other games were designed to get girls up and talking to each other, such as seat swapping, if you have a sister or if you play sports.
Last year, girls told GFS they wanted to try new things and try their hands at baking – so GFS booked sessions with locally owned businesses, Creative Creatures and a Willy Wonka Chocolate Experience.
Girls helped each other throughout the activity – girls who were good at mixing and pouring helped the younger girls. There may have been a few misplaced cracked eggs on the table, but girls were able to try again and perfect the brownie mix.
“We should do this more often!” – GFS girl.
The Creative Creatures session gave girls the opportunity to interact with different animals and step out of their comfort zones. The facilitator, Amanda, had a warm and welcoming style, encouraging the girls to take part, without pressuring them to do anything they are uncomfortable with. The animals included stick insects, owls, guinea pigs, spiders and snakes!
Girls also enjoyed decorating their own t-shirts, before wrapping up the day with snacks, certificates and fond farewells. GFS relies on volunteers to make events like this possible. To find out more about GFS Eldon, visit