Dear Sir,
I had recently needed to contact DCC to remove an old armchair and paid £20 for the privilege. I further advised DCC that I would not be able to move this chair and leave it at the end of the drive because of the weight and the fact I am, although a fit, 84-year-old, I asked DCC to remove it from the front of the garage. But no luck from DCC I received an email from DCC, to advise me that I need permission to request permission to collect it from elsewhere. It further said that, unfortunately, this is not something that is offered on the website. So, I contacted DCC on the number given which told me to do it online, did they not realise that I had already done it online and paid my £20. I was given a case number but, by this stage, I was getting frustrated saying that I needed permission to come onto my drive, I gave the permission, but no, the Refuse and Recycling Team must give their permission, I wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience to this, is it any wonder there is fly tipping around the County, when all that was needed was a bit of common sense, something that seems to be lacking at DCC, what is needed is a Councillor to take on the role of Member for Common Sence.
Vince Crosby