Zanshin-Kai Red Dragons cadets class aimed at those aged 4-8 years recently took part in the first grading of the year and all of the young students taking part in the grading session were successful.
Those that gained their first belt in October 2015 went on to achieve their Yellow belts at the first grading of the year: Maddison Fenton, Martha Noble, Leo Henderson, Maia Haden, Harrison Dunn, Adam Smith, Emma Smith, Evie Wilds, Jonah Harrop and Jenson Jones.
For the others it was their first ever grading and though nervous they all successfully achieved their Red belts: Harrison Fleming, Ollie Fleming, Ellis Fleming, Sammy Lake, Miley Simpson, Cory Mitchell, Jaydon Mcgill, Joseph Hayman, Erin Sutherland & Lola Rose Giudice.
Congratulations to all those Karate kids who showed great effort, spirit and technique throughout the evening. All of the instructors and assistants were proud of you all, each passing with Merit grades. Zanshin Kai Red Dragons was set up last summer with the support of Woodham Community Association and funding from Great Aycliffe & Middridge Area Action Partnership.
All our instructors are insured, first aid trained and have undergone advanced disclosure checks with the criminal records bureau and been cleared to work with children and vulnerable adults. Congratulations also to Josh Pinder 9th Kyu Red Belt, Charlotte Dunn & Brandon Woodward 8th Kyu Yellow belt & Stephen Dunn 3rd Kyu Brown belt who also passed their gradings that week.
For more information on Zanshin-Kai Karate or Zanshin-Kai Red Dragons call into Woodham Community Centre or telephone an Instructor on 07917203421 / 07746204064 or email Face book (zanshin kai karate newton aycliffe).