The latest data on university admissions published by UCAS shows record numbers of students accepted places to study nursing and midwifery in England this year.
The final figures from this year’s admission cycle show there were 29,740 acceptances to nursing and midwifery courses in England, 6,110 more than last year and an increase of over a quarter (26%). This year, 23% (6,770) of acceptances were from students aged 35 years and older, a 43% increase on last year.
The number of new nursing applicants to English providers between 15 January and 30 June was 68% (4,600) higher than the same period last year. The lockdown period (23 March – 30 June deadline) itself saw nearly double the number of applications to nursing relative to the same period in the year previously.
In September the Government introduced training grants for eligible nursing, midwifery and many allied health profession students of at least £5,000 a year, which does not need to be paid back. Additional payments of up to £3,000 will be available for specialisms struggling to recruit including learning disability and mental health nursing and to help students cover childcare costs.
Figures to the end of August show the number of nurses in the NHS in England increased by 14,813 compared to last year.