Peter Beaty performed the re-launch of Great Aycliffe Cancer Support Group on 4th September at their new meeting place, Neville Comunity Centre. Founder Allison White (shown in the photo) said how nice it was to see new and old members and they had a lovely night.
The membership covers all cancers and Allison formed the club after seeing so much suffering on her own visits to hospitals for treatment. “There are health professionals that can help, but unfortunately the patients or carers simply just don’t know where to go” said Allison.
Guest speakers every month provide relevant information. On Tuesday 16th September a “Look Good Feel Better Pamper” session is provided from 1 – 3pm in the Church Hall at Neville Parade Methodist Church. This is for any ladies having treatment for cancer. It is run by volunteers from House of Fraser’s make up counters who will pamper each lady by showing them how to put their make up on or simply just advise what colours are best for them.
A volunteer manicurist will also attend.
These Masterclasses are normally done in hospitals but Allison prefer to offer this in our local community instead of going back to the place where you receive treatment.
Each lady will receive a bag of goodies and as there is only room for 12 ladies please phone Allison to book a place.