On Friday the 23rd of January 2014 we received a call from a member of public who found some puppies abandoned in a plastic carrier bag.
A gentleman was walking his dog on Woodham Way when he witnessed a pick-up truck pull up and throw out a carrier bag. The carrier bag was thrown into the bin next to the bus stop near the Agnew Community Centre. Curious what was in the bag the dog walker approached the bag to find it contained 5 puppies.
The puppies were collected by RSPCA Animal Collection Officer Dave Dawson and taken straight to a veterinary practice. The puppies were kept in overnight for observation and were placed into a foster home the following day.
The puppies were only approximately 3 weeks old on the day they were abandoned and were very lucky the gentleman was walking past. With the cold weather there would have been a good chance the puppies dying if left overnight.
If anyone has any further information regarding the origins of the puppies could they please contact (RSPCA DCI Lawson 10356) on 0300 1235 999.
Puppies Thrown into Rubbish Bin to Die