Year 5 children at Sugar Hill Primary School took a trip back in time on Monday 31st January with a visit from historical speaker and storyteller Tanya Bentham. Through dressing up, the handling of artefacts and historical role play, children were transformed into rich and poor Vikings as well as fierce warriors ready for battle. To enhance their ongoing project work on the theme of peace and conflict, the Year 5 children discovered how, despite the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons often going into battle, they eventually learnt to respect each other and live peacefully.
The day allowed children to reflect on how differences and conflicts, experienced by the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, might be reflected in today’s society and how important it is for people to try and resolve conflict to live as peacefully as possible.
Ollie said “I was confused because she started talking Norse! I loved getting to hold the Viking things!” Miles loved holding the Viking sword, “It was so sharp!” Anneliese was chosen to dress up as a Viking girl and she said, “I loved dressing up as a Viking girl because the clothes were warm and I got to hold a sword and an axe!” All of the children had a great day bringing history to life.
Staff would like to thank Tanya for working with staff and children and for making the day so interesting. We are sure it was a day that everyone will remember for a long time to come.
Pupils Trip Back in Time