During the year children from St. Mary’s primary in Newton Aycliffe have had regular visits to the library. The idea was to promote a love of reading and the year 3 children have been exploring the work of Roald Dahl during the year, reading George’s Marvellous Medicine in the Autumn term and Fantastic Mr. Fox this term. The children also got the opportunity to write book reviews of books they had enjoyed and the kind library staff even made a display of these reviews in the children’s section of the library. We were very proud! The children have all written their own thank you letters to all the librarians who worked so hard in helping them find books by a particular author or theme. Here are just a few of their comments from their thank you letters . . . “Thank you for helping me find Goosebumps books. “ “You helped me find books by the author R.L Stine.” “Thank you for helping me find Rainbow Magic books. “ “Thank you for putting up our book reviews. “ “All your staff are very helpful and welcoming !” The children are all excited for the Summer Reading challenge and some have already been on the reading challenge website. www.summerreadingchalleng. org.uk Some have already signed up for some of the summer library activities too. We are looking forward to visiting the library again after the holidays. Well done Newton Aycliffe Library, you are the best !
Pupils Thank Library!