Greenfield PE Department recently set a challenge for both pupils and staff to see who could hold the fitness related plank position for the longest amount of time. The competition ran throughout January and up to the February half-term as part of a new year fitness related challenge.
It also coincided with the PE department’s health related fitness units of learning that pupils were involved in. Pupils and staff alike attempted the position in and out of school and would regularly send times into the PE twitter page. Several staff members got involved and this only proved to spur pupils onto want to beat their teacher’s even more.
The competition culminated in a ‘Plank Off’ on the last day of term with all the most successful pupils and staff on stage at lunchtime in front of a packed audience. With well over 200 watching, 16 pupils and staff lined up to try and take the Greenfield ‘Plank off’ crown for 2016. Pupils, both male and female, from all year groups took part with teacher’s such as Mrs Robson, Mrs Gibbs, Mr Butterworth and Mr Allison also in attendance.
For some, the added pressure of spectators was too much and soon crumbled out of the competition. After four and a half minutes holding the position the team of 16 soon became 6 (Max Hunter, Danielle Ord, Brandon Graham, Daniel Wilkinson Mr Butterworth and Mrs Gibbs).
With the crowd of pupils and staff watching and chanting away for various different people to win it, it proved added extra motivation for everyone to compete for the title. However, those 6 slowly became 3 when the time went beyond 9 minutes. Mr Butterworth was the first to bow out of the three, with a time of 9 minutes 20 seconds leaving Mrs Gibbs to take the accolade for the staff with a time of 9 minutes 22 seconds.
There was to be no beating Max Hunter of year 10 though, who seemed determined from the offset and became the Greenfield ‘Plank off’ champion for 2016 with a time of 9 minutes 24 seconds. What a fantastic effort! Max has set the standard for all to aspire to for next year’s competition, perhaps we all best start training even earlier next year!
Well done to everyone who took part from all of Greenfield PE Department.
Pupils & Staff Go ‘Plank’ Crazy!