Year 5 pupils at Sugar Hill Primary are currently working on a project to understand prejudice and create a campaign against it.
Within class lessons, across different curriculum subjects, they have been introduced to the idea of stereotypes and how these can lead to prejudice. As part of their learning, they have been looking at different ways/reasons that people could be prejudiced against (e.g. religion, ability, age and race).
They have looked at different cultures and how the differences in appearance can lead to prejudice. As they have been learning about this, they have made links with current news issues around racism and particularly in football. The children have been introduced to the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ to understand more about the issues as well as illustrating how a campaign works.
On Friday 22nd October, Year 5 children were allowed to come into school wearing red or football tops and stood up in assembly to explain how supporting the campaign linked to their learning. The project will end with the children presenting their own campaign in school during the project showcase week, at the start of December.
The children and staff are really looking forward to sharing their work with the whole school, their families and governors. School leaders and staff recognise that learning about prejudice is crucial to educating children for life and the children are making links with what they already know and how they can make a difference in ensuring they embrace all differences and recognise that there is no place for racism and prejudice in school, the local community and the wider world.
A life lesson for us all and one never too young to learn.
Pupils Showing Racism the Red Card