Free Family Pumpkin Carving and a ‘Beat the Winter Blues’ course are just two of the many activities planned to help people enjoy this time of year. As the dark nights approach and colder weather sets in, you’ll get a warm welcome at the Pioneering Care Centre in Newton Aycliffe.
Colour your Life creative and learning courses for adults and families are now underway at the Centre. PCP use professional, experienced tutors who deliver artistic and informal learning activities whilst providing opportunities for friendship in a safe, welcoming and enjoyable environment.
Families are invited to celebrate Halloween by carving a Jack-o-lantern to take home! Colour your Life are running this special half term session on Monday 27th October 1-3pm.
Let them do the dirty work by removing the seeds and innards and show you the tricks and treats on how to make your pumpkin really spook! Weekly family fun sessions run every Thursday from 4 – 5.30pm, booking is essential at both the workshop and weekly sessions.
Beat the Winter Blues is a specially designed 10 week course for people aged 16+ starting on Wednesday 12 November, 10am-12noon. The first 5 weeks will help people plan and prepare for a stress free Christmas and will include simple changes that could make a significant difference. The course will cover money management, avoiding family arguments and sharing the workload.
The following 5 weeks start on Wednesday 7th January and will include motivational and mood boosting tips and advice on how you can make real and meaningful changes to your life in the New Year.
Colour your Life is a ‘social prescribing’ service funded by the County Council Public Health. ‘Social prescribing’ is a health service term for the linking of people with non-medical sources of support from within the community.
The service is open to referrals from GP’s, mental health services, health and care professions, third sector/community organisations, statutory agencies and self-referrals. Please get in touch to find out more.
To register an interest in the Colour your Life courses, get in touch with the team at PCP on 01325 321234 email:
Pumpkins at the PCP