Two hedgehog lovers have turned their homes into sanctuaries for their favourite animals.  Sandra (Darlington) and Dawn (Newton Aycliffe) both take in sick and injured hedgehogs.  They are registered with the British Hedgehog Preservation Society and have set up Hedgehog Helpers Darlington and Aycliffe Facebook so members of the public, when they find sick or abandoned hedgehogs, can ring for advice. All the rehabilitated hedgehogs are in the process of being released into the wild so it’s a busy time! Some of their patients such as Conker who was found squealing with eyes full of fly eggs and Strimmer Jim had an accident with a strimmer.

Frosty was found in a live capture trap and Holly was so tangled in netting she had to be knocked out before it was removed.  These are just a few of what they deal with on a weekly basis. Hedgehog Awareness Week runs from 30th April to 6th May which aims to highlight the problems hedgehogs face and how you can help them.  Sandra and Dawn explain that this year the campaign is focusing on garden strimmers, reminding people to check the area before using these.

Here are some ways to help hedgehogs:

• Ensure you have a small hole in your fence to allow easy access to hedgehogs.

• Move piles of rubbish to another site before burning and check compost heaps or hay before digging forks in.

• Ensure netting is kept at a safe height.

• Try to stop using pesticides such as slug pellets.

• Cover drains/holes.

• Ensure easy access out of ponds/pools.

• Watch dogs at night when in your garden.

Many people wonder what to feed a hedgehog but the best things are meaty cat/dog food or complete cat biscuits along with water.  If you need any more help just contact the girls via their Facebook page. Mob: 077831 40904.