The project to build new Gresley class P2 steam locomotive No. 2007 Prince of Wales is delighted to announce that Shildon-based Bignall Group, in collaboration with Hexagon Metrology Limited, of Telford has sponsored the critical measurement of the locomotive using a state-of-the-art 3D laser tracker system. Young aspiring engineering from UTC South Durham witnessed this equipment being used. These measurements will allow the engineers from The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust working on No. 2007 to precisely align all four wheelsets within the engine’s frames. This sponsorship is a significant contribution to the project not only in its monetary value, but also giving the Trust confidence that the results are precise, meaning considerably less time will be needed than using traditional methods.

The class P2 2-8-2 ‘Mikado’ locomotives were the most powerful passenger steam locomotives to operate in the UK, designed by Sir Nigel Gresley to haul 600 ton trains on the arduous Edinburgh to Aberdeen route. Sadly, the design was never fully developed and they were rebuilt in 1943/44 and scrapped by 1961. The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust (registered charity, builders and operators of famous new 100mph steam locomotive No. 60163 Tornado) is building the seventh member of this class over seven years at an estimated cost of £5m. The project will demonstrate how the design can be fully realised through use of modern computer design techniques, enabling the new locomotive to deliver its full potential hauling passenger trains at high speed across today’s national network.

Bignall Group Ltd recently contacted The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust as John Bignall, owner and Director of Bignall Group Ltd, is very interested in the design and engineering aspects of the project to build No. 2007 Prince of Wales. Upon being shown around the locomotive following an introduction from local Darlington Councillor Chris McEwan, John was keen to help the project and liaised with his various contacts to allow the Trust to use state-of-the-art technology to measure the precise position of the horn block liners relative to one another. On Tuesday 11th September 2018, John Bignall, along with Hexagon Metrology Limited, brought a 3D measuring device to Darlington Locomotive Works. As John is also a co-sponsor of UTC South Durham, and the Trust is an educational charity, it was decided that this would be a great opportunity for young aspiring engineers to see the measurement system in action, as well as to demonstrate the portable measuring arm that the students also use at college.

Public interest in seeing a new Gresley class P2 become a reality sooner rather than later is high and well over 870 people have already signed up to the ‘P2 for the price of a pint of beer per week’ (£10 per month or more) Covenant scheme since its launch. In addition to this core scheme, funds have been raised through The Founders Club (over 360 people have donated £1,000 each – target 100 people, now closed), The Boiler Club (over 160 people have pledged £2,000 each – target of 300 people), The Mikado Club and The Cylinder Club are now closing having raised over £375,000 combined, The Motion Club (over 80 people have donated £1,000 each – target of 175 people), Dedicated Donations (over £225,000 from existing supporters sponsoring a variety of components) and the sponsorship of the locomotive’s distinctive front-end by The Gresley Society Trust. This means that the project has already received pledges of over 60% (including Gift Aid) of the £5m needed to complete the new locomotive by 2021.

Other recent progress includes:

• Frame plates for engine and tender rolled and profiled; engine’s frames erected at Darlington Locomotive Works; all major engine frame stays, brackets, horn blocks, axle boxes and buffers cast (44 in total); over 1,000 fitted and driven bolts ordered and delivered, approximately 800 now fitted to the frames

• All 20 wheels for engine and tender cast and proof machined; roller bearings for all engine and tender wheelsets and engine axles (including crank axle), tyres and crank pins delivered, tender axles, tyres delivered, Cartazzi, pony truck and coupled wheelsets complete

• Preliminary discussions held with boiler manufacturers. Forged foundation ring corners manufactured; start made on boiler fittings with castings for combined injector steam and delivery valves, steam stand and valves, superheater header

• Study into ride and suspension completed using rail industry standard Vampire® software; finite Element Analysis completed on re-designed crank axle to ensure locomotive complies with modern standards; assessment and notified body appointed to oversee certification – first site visit made

• Smokebox and cab substantially complete

• Crosshead castings received

• Boiler cladding trial fitted to engine frames

• Tender frame construction under way, axlebox and other tender castings delivered from William Cook Cast Products and I D Howitt Ltd of Crofton near Wakefield commissioned to erect tender frame – many detailed parts made including front drag box and brake linkage, castings being machined

• Nameplates and chime whistle delivered

• Over £2m spent, £2.4m raised and £3.1m pledged of the required £5m.