The Three Peaks Race is an annual, organised event, in which competitors climb each of the Yorkshire three peaks – Pen-y-Ghent, Ingleborough and Whernside and is one of the oldest, most famous fell races in Britain.
It covers 24 miles of the most rugged and spectacular countryside in the Yorkshire Dales, taking competitors to 2,500 feet above sea level.  It   is a navigational event, with only some areas of the route flagged. Dez Fielden was the only member of Aycliffe Running Club to take the challenge on Sunday 27th April and  unfortunately, things did not go according to plan.
It was an early start for Dez the rain was coming down before the start making underfoot conditions very soft. With a target time of 4 hours in mind he started fairly steady up the first climb of Pen-y-Ghent then made up a lot of places on the long flattish stretch to Ribblehead Viaduct. Next was a knee deep bog followed by the toughest climb up Whernside, which felt near vertical in places.
At this point he was still well on schedule and clawing back some of the places lost earlier. The second food station arrived just in time as his lower quads were starting to cramp and he hoped the salty crisps and liquid would save him. However, 40 minutes later, at the top of Ingleborough, after another hands and knees climb, disaster struck. Cramp in the front and back of both legs and he was on the ground needing assistance.
Dez thought his race was over with just a rocky 4.5 mile descent to go. However marshalls got him back walking and then into a jog. As he started to pick up pace he hit a rock, taking a nasty fall bringing the cramp on again. At this point he thought he would have to retire and join the other 76 who failed to finish the course. Somehow though, with great determination and strength of character, he managed to stagger the last few miles, with painkillers and lucozade donated by concerned spectators along the route.
He finished the race in 4hr 19 min 24 secs and 278th position of 704 finishers, having lost 125 places down the last hill. Although disappointed to miss his target, he was happy to have finished the challenging race.