The last six weeks have been busy for Greenfield staff and students as they welcomed Year 5 children from nine different Primary schools. We had a wonderful time working with all the different schools, helping the children to understand how a Secondary school operates and allowing them to experience a typical school day.
Many different subjects were on offer: bangs and sparkles in Science; learning French; completing maths tasks in Chinese; experiencing unusual fruits in Food Technology; choreographing an exciting routine in Dance and making loud noises in Music! In addition working in Room 13, being part of Global learning and being part of an inter schools competition in PE added to an already exciting day.
Well done to Byerley Park who came top of the Leader board and are the overall winners of the sports competition.
The children were a credit to their respective schools, well-mannered and eager to learn. They were all a pleasure to work with and they left us with lots of new ideas and skills.
We are very proud of our achievements at Greenfield and enjoy sharing our ideas and talents with others. The teachers working with the children were impressed by their thirst for knowledge and their enquiring minds.
Melanie Stubbs, Assistant Head at Greenfield said “the children have had an amazing time over the last six weeks, they have had an insight into the differences between primary and secondary education and have embraced every opportunity on offer. Their teachers, parents and carers should be very proud of such a fantastic group of young people”.
Primary Schoolchildren Experience Greenfield