A primary school has demonstrated its commitment to tackling plastic pollution.

St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Primary School in Ushaw Moor is the latest school to sign the County Durham Single Use Plastics Pledge.

Durham County Council and its partners launched the pledge last summer and so far, more than 250 schools, businesses, groups and individuals have signed up. From ditching disposable plastic cutlery to switching to reusable shopping bags and coffee cups, pledges can be big or small – it all helps in the quest to eradicate single use plastic.

St Joseph’s had already set up a uniform recycling scheme, but staff and pupils were keen to do more to and now plan to eliminate plastic straws, cutlery and bottles from the school.

And next month, the council’s strategic waste team will deliver an assembly at the school where staff, pupils and parents can gain more tips on reducing, reusing and recycling.

By signing the pledge, St Joseph’s hopes to encourage others to take a stand against plastic pollution.

Dee Curtis, deputy headteacher at St Joseph’s RC Primary School, said: “Now we have signed the pledge board, we will place it in our reception so that parents and visitors can see that here at St Joseph’s, we are extremely keen to do our bit for the environment.”

Cllr Brian Stephens, the council’s Cabinet member for neighbourhoods and local partnerships, said: “We are keen for as many County Durham schools and businesses to sign the pledge as possible.

“The staff and pupils at St Joseph’s should feel very proud of the example they are setting and I hope other schools, organisations and individuals will follow their lead. We often find that when children learn about the pledge at school they go home and encourage their family members to join in, which is fantastic.

“It doesn’t have to be a huge commitment to become plastic free, even small actions can make a massive difference.”

For more information about the Single Use Plastics Pledge and to sign up, visit www.durham.gov.uk/singleuseplastics