Students and staff at Greenfield Community College are celebrating after receiving their prestigious Platinum Artsmark Award. Artsmark is the creative quality standard for schools, accredited by Arts Council England. The award provides a clear framework for teachers to plan, develop and evaluate arts, culture and creativity across the curriculum. Melanie Carter, Area Manager, Culture Bridge North East says: “We are absolutely delighted Greenfield Community College received their Platinum Artsmark Award. It’s fantastic to see that so many school leaders are recognising the prestige and intrinsic importance of this award in supporting an arts focussed curriculum.” In order to become an Artsmark school Greenfield developed the arts and culture provision to create a broad and balanced curriculum. To mark this achievement, Executive Headteacher, Mr David Priestley, has been celebrating with students in a series of assemblies where he has addressed the whole school and shared the news. He commended staff and students for their commitment to arts, culture and creativity and the role of Greenfield Arts in supporting this achievement. “We’re extremely proud of achieving our Artsmark Platinum Award. We are committed to delivering a high-quality creative art and cultural experience and we look forward to continuing to grow with Artsmark,” said Mr Priestley. Through Artsmark, Greenfield Community College will continue to incorporate art and culture into every student’s learning, knowledge and understanding, helping them to build skills of resilience, reflection, confidence and to be successful in all areas of their life.
Prestigious Platinum Arts Award for Greenfield