Dear Editor,
For nearly 10 years Heighington Parish Litter Group (HPLG) not only carried out monthly litter picks on the road verges of the parish, they also presented awards annually to those nominated for outstanding efforts in preserving and enhancing our environment.
This year the presentation of the awards was slightly different as we sadly lost one of our founding members and Secretary to the group, Kit Bartram. Kit died last October and will be greatly missed. Kit loved this area and worked tirelessly to the end to keep it looking its best. He was also an active member of the Litter Free Durham Group and the Campaign to Protect Rural England.
Many years ago we held a competition in the village for the best ‘anti-litter’ limerick and one by the Reverend Keith Burchell must surely have been inspired by Kit,
“A tall handsome man from East Green,
Said, “Let no more chip wrappers be seen
Let’s gather the cans
And the rusty old prams
And make Heighington fit for a Queen”.
In past years Kit handed out the annual Environment Awards but he always refused to accept any recognition for his own work. So this year the committee decided to award the McLean Silver Rose Bowl posthumously to Kit and on Friday 13th December our Chairman, Peter Smyth, presented the award to Kit’s widow, Jo Bartram.
Since the HPLG formed in 2005 we estimate that we have collected nearly 4,000 bags of litter from around the parish and with Kit’s example to follow we, including his widow, will continue with the work.
Our next Litter Pick will be on Saturday 11th January 2014 between 10.00am and 12noon and we would welcome new participants. We have meeting points at Heighington Village Hall, 2 Main Street, Redworth and the Old Farm Cottage in School Aycliffe, where tools are handed out. Refreshments are available in Heighington Village Hall at the end of the pick.
I think you will agree that the efforts of the Heighington Parish Litter Group do make a difference and we plan to continue Kit’s good work with the help of others we hope.
Thank you.
Members of HPLG
Posthumous Award to Village Stalwart