Following the merger of all of the Citizens Advice Bureaux in County Durham in April 2014, the board of Citizens Advice County Durham have earmarked funds for an expansion in services in the town. The service, currently open on Tuesdays only in the Pioneering Care Centre, will open in the new year for three days a week.
This is the standard opening hours for advice of all of the services in the county. Sarah Ward, the local manager of the Newton Aycliffe service, said “the service in the town has been really busy for the last few years and we have desperately needed more funds to expand our services. Its great news that the new charity is recognising this and giving the town the service it deserves.”
The service will be looking to move into bigger premises of its own to be able to offer a wider range of services from Newton Aycliffe, with a deal expected soon.
Neil Bradbury
CEO, Tel: 0191 384 1796
Positive Future for CAB in Newton Aycliffe