Dear Sir,
I have lived on the town for sixty years and the gardens looked after by the council have always been a pleasant sight and uplifted those who appreciated all the beautiful flowers.
Never has the grass been left in the disgraceful state that it is in now, with parts being cut and parts being left. Three times the grass has been partly cut, which means three times the other part has been left to grow out of control. It is getting quite high and all the weed seeds blow into our gardens.
As you travel throughout the town it looks so untidy and unkempt. It would appear the contract has been lost to those who kept our town looking tidy and cared for, and been given to those who are not fulfilling their duties.
Can those responsible make the decision to see that the contract is being carried out properly, so that our town can again look like someone cares.
Name & address supplied.
Poor Grass Cutting