On Friday 29th July 2016 the Police Interceptors and dog handler visited Woodham Burn Out of School club. The dog handler came in the police van and showed the children two of his dogs; Micky a black Labrador and Roxy a black German shepherd. The officer explained that both dogs have specialist job roles, and the children were allowed to stroke the black Labrador. The Police Interceptor kindly brought his car to the club and showed the children all the equipment he carries on board. This included a stinger which goes across the road, deflating people’s tyres when they won’t stop for the police. He also showed the children the various signs that they have to put out onto the road when there is an accident and finally, much to the children’s enjoyment, allowed them to take turns sitting in the police car turning on the sirens and lights. The children asked lots of questions about the job role of the interceptor and he very kindly showed them all the uniform and specialist equipment he has to carry with him and wear. One of the children even modelled the firearms holder, cap,
earphones, and microphone that he uses to keep in contact with his colleagues when working. The children all had a fantastic day and would love for them to visit again. For any further information about the club please contact Kendra or Maureen on 01325 300080 or email woodhamburn.outofschool@ gmail.com
Police Visit School Club