Recently re-elected Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner (PCVC) Ron Hogg will today lay out his plan for the next five years. The newly drawn up plan sets out aims and objectives for Durham Constabulary and includes how he will work with the police and other agencies, such as the council, to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour. Reflected in the plan as the key theme throughout, is Ron’s commitment to supporting victims, a pledge he made as part of the election campaign earlier this year. In addition to this, the plan has three clear aims which are to inspire confidence in the police and the criminal justice system, to support victims and vulnerable people, and to tackle crime and keep our communities safe. There are also eleven objectives within the plan including tackling cybercrime, reducing the harm caused by alcohol and drugs and improving road safety. Earlier this week, the plan was put forward to the Police and Crime Panel and it will now be taken out to public consultation for a period of two months. During this time Ron will be attending a number of public events and meetings across County Durham and Darlington and hopes to hear from, and consult with, as many people as possible. People can also feed in their views via the PCVC’s website. Ron said “It is vital my plan delivers what matters to local people so I would like as much feedback as possible. This is so it can all be taken into account Police before I finalise it later this year. “This is so important because once finalised I will use it to set the aims and objectives for the police and the other organisations I fund and hold to account. I am confident the new plan will build upon the work that’s already been done over the last few years in continuing to ensure County Durham & Darlington remains one of the safest places in the country to live and work.” Chair of the Police and Crime
Panel, Councillor Joy Allen, said: “I welcome the PCVC’s new 5 year plan and his intention to consult with as many people as possible during the summer. I urge everyone living and working in County Durham and Darlington to take part at one of the various engagement events or simply complete the online survey.” A copy of the plan, and details about how people can take part in the consultation, can be found at uk
Police Commissioner’s 5 year Pledge