For the last two years we have been delivering carousel events at all primary schools in Newton Aycliffe.
We aim these sessions at students in Y 5 & 6 in the hope that they keep our local children safe and remind them of the consequence of their actions.
Over the past two weeks we have had the pleasure of attending Sugar Hill Primary School & Walworth School where the team delivered talks on Bullying, Crime and Consequences, ASB and Online Safety.
So far, all of the kids have engaged really well and have been credits to their schools. Hopefully they take these important messages on board, not only does it have positive impact in the community, but also keeps them safe as they head into Secondary Schools.
As a treat, for doing so well, the kids were visited by Jet and Ben and were awarded certificates.
We will be covering EVERY primary school in Newton Aycliffe, before the summer holidays, delivering these really important messages.
PCSO Kipling
Police Carousels