Play Café welcomed Councillors Jim Atkinson, Kate Hopper and Sarah Iveson on Monday, to see for themselves the support offered to families struggling financially in the school holidays. A buffet lunch and play activities were set out in Big Club’s concert hall, as well as Easter Eggs for everyone, generously donated by a Club member. Much of the lunch was prepared and delivered from Walker’s Butchers at Simpasture Gate. The project is very grateful for Don’s help towards the cost, and of course – his delicious sandwiches, pies and cakes!

Big Club’s Alan Nelson and Tom Brumwell also joined us to see Play Café in action. The Club allows us space and use of a room to better store equipment for the pop up café events and to distribute groceries. We aim to provide breakfast cereals for children and adults and enough foods to help make lunches for the family when children have no access to Free School Meals.

Play Café volunteers explained how the support is offered and how well it is received. One person said, ‘The groceries are fantastic and will come in really handy.’ Another parent who is now more secure financially said, ‘I really do appreciate everything you have done and I hope you can help more families like mine as it was a life saver.’

Any parent in crisis needs immediate support, such as emergency food from a Food Bank.

But if a bit of help during school holidays will feed the family, then a referral to Play Café can take away some of the worry, particularly in the long 6 week summer holidays.

For more information text 07565 134194 or email